awash in starlight
In numerology 2025 adds up to the number nine (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9). It is a number of endings, personal growth, and helping others. 2024 was an eight [8] year which focused on personal material orientation.
The Nine [9] Year is the completion of the cycle of years one through nine. 2025 will be a year to release old pain and sorrow — as it prepares us for new opportunities and fresh perspectives in 2026.
In numerology, nine symbolizes the culmination of a cycle. Offering a time to reflect, release, and prepare for new beginnings. This year encourages letting go of what no longer serves and embracing transformation open heartedly.
In numerology, nine represents endings, surrendering to rebirth, and transitioning into new beginnings. This is represented in the other meanings that the number nine holds across different sacred beliefs.
2025 is a year of surrender — the soft and smooth kind. The ecstatic relief of a tired and sore body — slipping into a warm scented bath.
An enticing call, a declaration of done — the end of lonesome loathsome battles against the tides. Join gaping heart in uplifted song, merge bruised body in delightful dance — fully and tenderly engaged in love.
What is the call in life right now? How is it pulling at those heart strings in our web and circle of life?
Originally published at