epiphany of epiphanies
January 6 or the twelfth day after Christmas marks the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. Bringing an end to Christmastide or this holiday season. Also known as Theophany in the east, it is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ.
The word epiphany is defined as that moment of sudden understanding or becoming conscious of something valuable or important. Much of 2020 caused epiphanies to be revealed and manifested to us in so very many ways.
Epiphany is one of the oldest Christian feasts, celebrated since the end of the second century even before the Christmas holiday was established. Like other Christian seasons, the church appropriated Epiphany from an old pagan festival.
The three kings, wise men, or holy magi are the embodiment of this. Magi is the plural for magus, the Old Persian religious caste into which Zoroaster was born. They are priests who studied the stars and mastered the science of astrology.
As early as 1996 BCE, the Egyptians celebrated the winter solstice (which then occurred on January 6) with a tribute to Aeon, the Virgin. It is important to note that the holiday was established prior to the Gregorian calendar’s introduction.
One of the most evocative tales in the bible is that of the journey made by the wise men to Bethlehem. Today, the Three Kings and the Star of Bethlehem are celebrated with the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in the evening sky.
The Feast of the Epiphany holds great significance now — after a year of trials and tribulations, a mixed bag of gifts and revelations — with the realization that there is no ordinary time to return to ever again.
All the more reason for us to count our lucky stars and be grateful for the life we live now. May life continue to unfold for us with blessed epiphanies and may they be kinder and more compassionate moments we all hold dear.
wonder | wander | women have two more reasons to celebrate this day — it’s also the wedding anniversary of our grand/parents and who our brother in law was named after.
Originally published at https://wonderwanderwomen.blogspot.com.