Pinoy Freedom
This year’s Philippine Independence Day — a celebration also known as Araw ng Kalayaan, “Day of Freedom” has been anything but — since the birth of our nation and long suffering history of its people.
Troubles in the Philippines have been magnified and multiplied with the COVID-19 pandemic. Inept and corrupt management in government has tried the nation and its people beyond endurance.
Philippine national hero Jose Rizal was court martialed for , and conspiracy , and was convicted on all three charges and sentenced to death as he plead innocent. So we remain unapologetic and wary of laws that bind us.
Rizal is believed to be the first Filipino revolutionary whose death is attributed entirely to his work as a writer. Questioning Spain’s moral primacy to rule through his dissent and civil disobedience.
We may all be brought to our knees by this global pandemic yet we remain vigilant in our protests. Mabuhay, Pinas kong mahal!
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