sacred heART

WoaWomen Urra
4 min readMar 26, 2024


Holy Week is the sixth and last week of Lent — beginning with Palm Sunday and concluding on Holy Saturday. Sunday to Sunday to celebrate the Christian festival of the week, culminating in Easter — here is the story explained in classic images.

fresco of the trial and beating of Jesus — St. John the Baptist Church, 17th century

The Passion of Christ (from Latin patior — “to suffer, bear, endure”) is the short final period before the death of Jesus, described in the four canonical gospels.

Palm Sunday is the sixth Sunday in Lent is the day that Jesus Christ arrives in Jerusalem — his triumphal entrance on a donkey, amidst cheering crowds waving palm fronds. It marks the fulfillment of his prophecy and the beginning of the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Entry into JerusalemGiotto, 14th Century

Between Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, a variety of events are reenacted. Such as cleansing the temple of merchants, the anointing of Jesus at Bethany, predictions of his death, and the details of Judas’ betrayal (Spy Wednesday).

Holy Monday marks the following events in the life of Christ Jesus — the accursed fig tree, the temple cleansing, healing of the lame and crippled, and leaving in the evening for Bethany. Cleansing the temple signifies the importance of keeping the house of God pure and sacred.

Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple — El Greco, 1568

Holy Tuesday, also known as Fig Tuesday, recalls events in the life of Christ up to before the Last Supper. Jesus knew this was the week of his death and told his disciples he would soon be betrayed and martyred.

He continued to teach through his parables and actions — preparing his disciples for what was to come.

The Ointment of the Magdalene (Le parfum de Madeleine) — James Tissot, c. 1900

Holy Wednesday also named Spy Wednesday commemorates the Bargain of Judas as a clandestine spy and traitor among the disciples.

The personal betrayal he predicts for all his disciples — those leaving him to struggle alone in the Garden of Gethsemane or to Peter denying him three times before dawn.

Agony in the GardenAndrea Mantegna c. 1460

All of which eventually lead to Jesus’ arrest. Tenebrae is a religious service of Western Christianity held during the three days preceding Easter Day.

It is characterized by the gradual extinguishing of candles followed by a strepitous (clamorous, loud) noise in total darkness near the end of the service.

Leonardo da Vinci late-1490s mural painting Milan, Italy

Holy or Maundy Thursday Washing of the feet and instituting the Last Supper established the sacrament of communion.

The expressed doubts and anger raised by Jesus in the garden are the final release leading to his final and utter surrender.

art ranging from ancient Rome to contemporary times

Holy, Black, or Good Friday recollects the arrest, sentencing, execution, death by crucifixion, and entombment of Christ leads to atonement of sin for all of humanity through his ultimate sacrifice.

Christ as Man of SorrowsPietro Lorenzetti, c. 1330

Holy or Joyous Saturday, also known as Sabado de Gloria, is the final day of Holy Week, between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It is a day of reflection and waiting — when Christians prepare for the feast of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter day.

Easter Sunday celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus — an important victory at the foundation of the Christian faith. It honors the importance of winning over sin and death.

The ResurrectionPiero della Francesca, 1463

Holy Week lies at the core of the Christian faith — reflecting on the events leading to the crucifixion and celebrating the resurrection — these days hold deep significance for Christians worldwide.

Whatever your faith or practice wonder | wander | women wish all a rest filled week of peace and joy.



WoaWomen Urra
WoaWomen Urra

Written by WoaWomen Urra

curious creative tandem — cohearts & collaborators —both Pinays now based in the UK & the US - © 2024 WoaWomen

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